The Basics

The core learning experience at UWC Costa Rica is based on three educational programs: Academics, Co-curricular, and Residential Life. These programs align with our 5-year Strategic Plan and follow our Sustainability Framework.

When you accept a place at UWC Costa Rica, you should be clear about the College's expectations of you. You were selected to be a representative of your country or unique background. To succeed and enjoy your stay at the College, you will need a higher level of self-discipline than at home, especially since College life is often hectic and filled with overlapping activities and demands.

Even if academic pressure builds up, students are expected to meet deadlines and fulfill co-curricular and residential obligations. However, the college's aim is to help you succeed, and support structures are readily available if you need help.
Our mission:

To cultivate in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet—learning from nature and from each other for a lifetime.

Following its mission, principles, and values, our college aims to create a more peaceful and harmonious world. All members of UWC Costa Rica are responsible for contributing each day to the building of this world. Our values and behaviors have the potential to enable each person’s capacities to develop a better society. Therefore, we subscribe to the following set of guidelines:

  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere; at any time, alcohol may not be brought into or consumed on campus.
  • Empty bottles that contain alcoholic beverages are also not allowed on campus.
  • Possession or use of drugs or narcotic substances is forbidden on and off campus.
  • The College reserves the right to administer breathalyzers and/or urine tests at any time or any other inspection procedure that may apply.
  • Physical, verbal, or psychological violence, bullying or intimidation of any kind as well as harassment (including sexual harassment) is forbidden.
Subtitles [CC] are available for this video. Videos were produced in 2022, so some names and dates may be outdated.

General Rules

Sustainability, Social Responsibility, and Peace are at the core of our education, and every UWC member is responsible for upholding these values. Approximately 300 people—students, faculty, and staff—representing 70+ countries, living and working together, share the same space.

Students may leave the College during academic time if they do not have a class. However, they are not allowed to leave campus during a scheduled class, and violating this guideline is considered severe. Students can leave campus in groups of 2 before 5 pm, and after 5 pm, they can go in groups of 3. After classes and other obligations, students may sign themselves out until 8 p.m.

Students are generally expected to be on campus and attend all classes and regularly scheduled activities. Students who do not uphold this commitment may be asked to withdraw from the college.

Vacation days are planned and included on the school calendar. Students and families should not expect to be granted additional leave days unless in an emergency. Requests for additional leave are discouraged. You must read and follow the absences policies.


Code of Conduct

The College reserves the right to adjust these rules and regulations whenever necessary. Students must also be aware that the director and management team of the college make the final decision on disciplinary matters.

Each student is responsible for reviewing the entire code of conduct at the beginning of each school year. Further details of campus residential life expectations will be explained during Orientation.

UWC Costa Rica is a completely smoke-free campus, and we expect that students who choose to attend school here do not smoke. Students who currently have a dependency on tobacco products should consider carefully their decision to come to our school because smoking is not tolerated on or off campus.

Additionally, smoking inside any public building is illegal in Costa Rica. Likewise, the use of substances (alcohol and illegal drugs) is prohibited.

Disregarding these values can result in expulsion. You are expected to agree to live within these guidelines.

Please note that the college is currently working on the college handbook. Once it is finished and published, it will be shared with the students during Orientation.


List of 8 items.

Our mission: To cultivate in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet—learning from nature and from each other for a lifetime.

San José, Costa Rica. 10901.
+506 2282 5609 |

All Rights Reserved |  UWC Costa Rica © 2025