Welcome to our innovative experiential learning model

As the only UWC in Latin America and the Caribbean, UWC Costa Rica offers a bilingual program and opportunities to learn more about the region’s social, political, and cultural history and explore Costa Rica. We offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), in conjunction with the distinctive UWC educational experience, joining the Academic, Co-Curricular, and Residential Life Programs into an unforgettable two-year experience in Costa Rica.


Academic Program

At UWC Costa Rica, we offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP), renowned worldwide for its challenging and comprehensive curriculum. This two-year program provides students with a broad and balanced educational experience, preparing them for future university studies. The IB Diploma is highly recognized by universities globally.

Discover more about classes and educators:

Subtitles [CC] are available for this video. Videos were produced in 2022, so some names and dates may be outdated.

Academic Resources


List of 5 items.

  • Assessment and Reporting

    • Grades are available four times yearly, with complete reports provided twice annually through BlackBaud.
    • The IB grading scale ranges from 1 to 7, with four as a satisfactory pass mark.
    • A minimum overall score of 24 is required for the IB (students also need a minimum of 9 points at SL and 12 at HL). Lower grades in one or two subjects may be compensated by higher grades in others at the same level, and by a maximum of 3 points for the Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay. Diploma.

    For more information about the International Baccalaureate, visit www.ibo.org.
  • Curriculum Structure

    • Students study six academic subjects, with three at a higher level and three at a standard level.
    • The curriculum core includes Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE), and Creativity, Action & Service (CAS).
  • International Baccalaureate Program (IBDP) guidelines

    • Students joining with prior IBDP enrollment must inform the Academic office and submit transcripts of the current year to their Blackbaud account. Please contact the Academic office via this address: steven.desouza@uwccostarica.org 
    • Pre-studied subjects cannot be repeated, but equivalents may be chosen if available. For example, if the student has already done one year of English Language and Literature, they should switch to English Literature. This is because the IB is stringent that the Diploma Programme should be carried out over two years, not three so that some students do not have an unfair advantage over others."
    • The college assumes that students and faculty accept and respect the principles of intellectual honesty. Any form of cheating, including an unsuccessful attempt, is regarded as very serious and subject to disciplinary procedures. The IB regulations regarding academic honesty are specific, and any deviation from these regulations may result in a student being disqualified and ineligible to receive the IB Diploma.
  • Learning Support

    • Support is available for time management, study techniques, and academic challenges.
    • Coordination with English Language Support (ELS) is provided for students with language barriers.
    • Students with specific learning needs should provide recent documentation for accommodations.
    For learning support inquiries, contact learning.wellness@uwccostarica.org.
  • Weekly Schedule

    • Classes run from 7:30 am to 1:25 pm, with protected time in the afternoons for CAS activities, tutorials, university visits, and meetings.
    • Evening activities include residence meetings, cleaning duties, and check-ins.

Co-Curricular Program

At UWC Costa Rica, the Co-curricular program stands as one of our three educational pillars, aiming to nurture holistic development in students. Through this program, students discover personal strengths, practice initiative, and perseverance, engage with the local context, and delve into global issues. They cultivate a mindset for positive social impact, honing teamwork and project development skills.

Students are encouraged to explore and share their hobbies, interests, and skills with the community. We recommend bringing materials for such activities, along with sturdy shoes for hiking and a light sleeping bag for field trips.

All students must maintain an online portfolio documenting their co-curricular experiences, which are periodically reviewed through formal interviews with staff. In cases of unjustified absences from school events resulting in financial losses, deductions may be made from the student's security fee.
Subtitles [CC] are available for this video. Videos were produced in 2022, so some names and dates may be outdated.

Residential Life

Residential Life is a cornerstone experience at UWC Costa Rica. It fosters lifelong friendships, cultural exchange, and appreciation for diversity. Our comprehensive program ensures a safe and respectful environment, maximizing enjoyment and educational opportunities.

Our student life program emphasizes cooperation and respect, and it is supported by residence coordinators, mentors, health services, counseling, and integrated health programs.

Eight residences accommodate up to 28 students each, and every student is entitled to privacy, respect, and a clean environment. Expectations include sharing one's culture, active participation in residence activities, and embodying the college's values.

Students are encouraged to engage in open dialogue, share diverse perspectives, and prepare for impactful societal contributions beyond their UWC experience.
Subtitles [CC] are available for this video. Videos were produced in 2022, so some names and dates may be outdated.

Residential Life Resources

List of 3 items.

  • Expectations

    Expectations from the students in the Residential Life:
    • To share his/her own culture in the residence
    • To participate in all residential meetings and discussions to promote learning through the residential experience.
    • To put into practice the college’s values within the residence in preparation for making significant societal changes beyond the college experience.
    • Be willing to share different beliefs and perspectives with others.
  • Medical

    At UWC Costa Rica, medical coverage is available 24 hours a day during the academic year. Medical insurance is also included in the fees you pay to attend. 

    The insurance pays a percentage of the expenses. Parents will have to cover what is not covered in the difference. Pre-existing conditions, dentistry, ophthalmology, pregnancy, use of drugs, alcohol, chemical substances, self-harm, or some international travel are not covered by the student’s health insurance, and treatments must be paid for by the student, family, or legal guardians.

    Families should be aware of the school insurance coverage details available on the school website. If additional coverage is needed, the parents must purchase international insurance before entering Costa Rica.

    The College has two nurses and paramedics available seven days a week and an equipped medical office. A physician visits the College four times a week and is on-call to handle emergencies around the clock.

    The College employs a private ambulance service that covers emergencies every day and three of the best private hospitals near the college. 

    For questions about medical services at UWC Costa Rica or the General Health form to be submitted during your enrollment process, please contact medical.admissions@uwccostarica.org
  • Rooms

    Each room is equipped to host two or four students, and all students are entitled to the following:
    • Be in their room whenever they want to. No student should ever feel excluded from his/her room due to another student’s behavior
    • Be Respected
    • Have privacy
    • Sleep without interference
    • Have their belongings respected
    • Live in a clean environment
    • Be free of fear or derision
Our mission: To cultivate in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet—learning from nature and from each other for a lifetime.

San José, Costa Rica. 10901.
+506 2282 5609 | info@uwccostarica.org

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