General Rules
Sustainability, Social Responsibility, and Peace are at the core of our education, and every UWC member is responsible for upholding these values. Approximately 300 people—students, faculty, and staff—representing 70+ countries, living and working together, share the same space.
Students may leave the College during academic time if they do not have a class. However, they are not allowed to leave campus during a scheduled class, and violating this guideline is considered severe. Students can leave campus in groups of 2 before 5 pm, and after 5 pm, they can go in groups of 3. After classes and other obligations, students may sign themselves out until 8 p.m.
Students are generally expected to be on campus and attend all classes and regularly scheduled activities. Students who do not uphold this commitment may be asked to withdraw from the college.
Vacation days are planned and included on the school calendar. Students and families should not expect to be granted additional leave days unless in an emergency. Requests for additional leave are discouraged. You must read and follow the absences policies.